
5 Safety Tips to Remember When Preparing for Your Next Road Trip

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Who says you can’t have fun while playing it safe?

When it comes to road trips, it isn’t always about the destination; the journey itself is where the fun always is. Whether you’re with friends or family, there’s always the bicker, banter, laughs, snores, and the occasional rowdiness. When you’re doing it solo, there’s the quietness filled with random thoughts filling your mind or music coming from the radio.

However, it’s also good to remember that mishaps, misfortune, and troubles may come your way during your trip. Always be prepared. Here are some safety tips you should do so your road trip goes smoothly.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Sometimes, the body enters a brief state of unconsciousness called “microsleep” due to fatigue or lack of sleep. Don’t let your brain temporarily shut down while driving. Drowsy driving is one of the all-too-common causes of road accidents in the country.

Nearly 800 car crash deaths in the US in 2017 are caused by drowsy driving. These occur from continuing to drive regardless of whether you’re sleepy or not. Always get yourself plenty of good-quality rest to leave you energized during the day. If you’re driving with someone, you could ask to switch positions at the moment so you can rest for a while. Consider stopping by a motel to sleep should you find it too dangerous to press on.

Make Sure Your Car Works

Before going on a really long road trip, make sure that your car works at its best. Do a routine maintenance check at least a month before the trip. Have a qualified mechanic check the tires’ condition, if the car security system works, the battery, brakes, your air-conditioning unit, etc. You should also have the fluids checked if they can handle the temperature of where you’re going.

Stock Up on Supplies

Road Trip
filling up a car with diesel

Have enough provisions for everyone, especially if it’s a long road trip. Give everyone something to eat along the way so they won’t get hungry while on the road. Stock up again at the local gas stops and convenience stores. Don’t forget to have a spare gas can filled with fuel, too. Sometimes the next gas stop isn’t as close as you thought it’d be; at least having that extra gallon can give you that extra push to get to the fuel station.

Always Have an Emergency Kit Ready

Emergency kits are always essential for any road trip. Medicinal kits, spare batteries, a cellphone charger, an emergency cellphone, a small flashlight, flares, extra bottles of water—almost any item that can be useful in tight situations. Have a physical map as well in case you get lost and have no mobile access in the area. For your vehicle, don’t forget to have a spare tire ready in case one of yours flattens out. Just in case, have some jumper cables and a multipurpose tool for other vehicular situations.

Childproof Your Car

Children are a curious bunch. Make sure that they don’t get ahold of anything dangerous, such as choking hazards or poisonous chemicals. The kids shouldn’t be able to open the doors on a whim, too. Childproof your car by means of adding child locks to the doors. Strap your kids down as well; otherwise, in a collision, they may be thrown forward, which may gravely injure or kill them.

Road trips can be fun as long as everyone is safe. Be prepared and prioritize the safety of you and your passengers before setting off on a journey across the country.

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