company culture

Small Businesses Must Reinforce A Strong And Positive Company Culture

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While most of the business world appears to be run by the latest innovations, state-of-the-art technology, and pushing efficiency to the limits amid the Covid-19 global pandemic, these factors alone are not enough to create sustainable growth and success for a company. In fact, even the most financially capable and advantageous enterprises will still struggle to compete in a growing market if their organization is hollow and without depth in terms of company culture.

Of course, we are by no means saying that every objective requirement in business, such as a call to action and unique selling proposition, should all be replaced with values and principles; these aspects still serve their purpose. However, we must also recognize the impact of organizational culture on a company’s growth trend and learn how best to approach it and implement the necessary changes amid the new normal.

Shouldn’t I Be More Worried About Current Costs And Business Continuity?

Budget constraints and contingency plans are always a given in any business scenario. Especially accounting for the current market conditions, both costs and continuity must already be included in your intervention measures and not an addition. Furthermore, the value of a company culture far exceeds any short-term gain because the results are felt throughout the organization and continue to magnify the longer they are upheld. 

  • Strong Values Create Better Employee Engagement

Firstly, when companies reinforce a strong and positive work culture in their business operations, the foundation of strong values creates better employee engagement. As a result, employees tend to work and coordinate far better than their counterparts that do not share the luxury of healthy company culture. This also affects the overall quality of work done and completed, elevating the performance and competitiveness of the firm as a whole.

  • Increased Resilience Against Disruptive Changes

Secondly, one of the most timely benefits of healthy company culture is the increased resilience against disruptive changes and the capacity to be flexible. The threat of the global pandemic is still at large, and with hospitalizations reaching 100,00 cases on a daily average, the possibility of stricter regulations and limited movement becomes more apparent. However, a solid and sound organizational culture enables solidarity to remain resolute, helping employees work around new challenges and difficulties.

  • Improves Overall Credibility And Business Image

Last but not least, your company’s work culture also reflects your business as a whole. A firm that manages to maintain a healthy work culture also improves its overall credibility and business image. Both internal and external stakeholders will align your company with respect, which means that you attract more investors in the process. Furthermore, the improved business image makes hiring new talent a lot more smooth as word get around about your work culture.

Start With The Basics And Remain Consistent

Healthy work culture and an empowering work environment are both multi-faceted. Still, any startup and small business can begin with the basics, show their grit through consistency, and slowly work their way up to meet bigger demands. Namely, a small business must first start with (1) an emphasis on collaboration, (2) open and accessible communication, and (3) appropriate incentives for good performance. 

  • Promote And Encourage Collaboration Among Teams

Collaboration might seem like an obvious pursuit for great company culture, but given the changing work environment and the adoption of more hybrid work, we can’t just leave departments and teams to their own devices. Firms must encourage discussion among departments and cooperation among different teams through combined projects and peer reviews to help strengthen everyone’s professional work relationships.

  • Communicate And Be Strict When Needed

Given the current market conditions and accounting for the fact that remote employees still make up the majority of the workforce, communication is key to maintaining a healthy work culture. Your goal is to instruct the HR department to create open channels for employees and managers to voice their concerns and provide their opinions. Furthermore, you must also know when to put your foot down and be strict with your rules because you must show that you will not tolerate disobedience.

  • Offer Incentives And Performance-Based Rewards

Lastly, while incentives aren’t necessary and are often extra features to a job, offering performance-based rewards helps promote quality work and motivation. And whether it be through promos on your partner digital wallets and ATM cards, rewards for good performance, by nature, establish the principle that effort will always be recognized.

Let Your Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Overall, we want to remind everyone that creating a positive work culture is achieved through action, so regardless of the planning, no change will occur without proper follow-through. Therefore, take your time in identifying the weak points of your current work culture and address those needs as they arise while you reinforce your organizational culture to be better, stronger, and more positive.

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