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Before You Say I Do: Do You Have These Valuable Life Skills?

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Marriage is no walk in the park. As most of your married friends and loved ones can attest to, the union of two people is more than just playing house. First, it takes serious preparation in the matters of personal development. Second, you have to consider the needs of the person you’re marrying. Finally, it’s the rest of married life you have to worry about.

Are you truly ready to say your “I do” and spend the rest of your life with your significant other? Before you do, make sure you have the following skills down pat:

Ability to Communicate

A number of marriages fail because of one or both parties cannot communicate properly. Most disputes begin when one spouse fails to understand the other. Once you are living together under one roof, there will be countless arguments ranging from the mundane to the serious. You must be able to air out your side in the right way and at the right time if you wish to keep strengthen your communication with your spouse.

Finances in Order

Bills, bills and more bills. Sometimes, finances will be the major topic of most of your conversations. There will be talks about mortgage on your Seattle home, house loans, utility bills, and (in the future) the kids’ school fees. Finances will play a big role in your marriage, which is why it is important to start off on the right foot. Get your own finances in order and have the right attitude towards money and saving. Also, look for potential investments today so you can have income in the future.

man putting ring on bride's finger

A Strong Sense of Self

Are you secure enough in your personhood, your identity and your purpose in life? Because if you don’t have that now, you may find it extremely difficult to have a fulfilling marriage. You need to find yourself outside of your spouse. It is important to know who you are inside and out, have a career and be independent before you step into a marriage. These are some of the things that will keep your union healthy and thriving.

Healthy Lifestyle

Keep yourself healthy for the sake of your spouse and future family. You are no longer just thinking about yourself, now there’s your spouse to feed and take care of. Once the kids come, they will need a healthy and balanced diet too. Part of having a healthy lifestyle is having a sound spirituality too. No doubt you will run into some pretty heavy circumstances and trials. Once you are married, you will need a steady anchor to keep you grounded.

These are just some of the things that you need to possess before even dreaming about that perfect wedding day. Marriages might look good in the movies but once you’re in it, you’ll be glad if you’ve sharpened these life skills first. Not only will they make you a more complete and grounded person, it will make you a good and suitable partner for your spouse as well.

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