home care

Guardianship vs. Home Care

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All of us are at the risk of getting older. There’s no stopping it, and the sooner that we realize this, the easier it is for us to deal with when the time comes. Becoming part of the old club isn’t something terrible, but there are specific problems related to age, health, or legal liabilities.

There are usually two ways of taking care of elderly residents: putting them in a hospice or retirement home or appointing them as someone’s ward. If you’re looking to admit someone whom you love to either of these or if you’re someone planning your future, here are the advantages and disadvantages of each.


This involves placing a senior under the care of a legally appointed individual. The elder in question can choose to live with their guardians or still maintain their autonomy by living by themselves if they are able. Wards can be appointed automatically at a certain age or under particular circumstances, but they can also appoint caretakers via legal processes.

A guardian will take on all legal responsibilities of the senior under their care, including paying taxes, getting benefits, and voting rights. A guardian effectively becomes the executor of their ward, and a lot of legal power is given to them in the interests of safeguarding the person under their care. This guardian can be a relative or a close friend but can also be someone who is appointed by the government.

It’s best to go for guardianship if you prefer to rest and not bother with most of the paperwork required or if the ward happens to be psychologically incapable in any way. Since the wards themselves can also appoint guardians, it’s a good option for those looking to have a more proactive role in planning their retirement and have someone they can trust to take care of them.

Retirement homes


Operated as a private institute or part of an in-home care franchise, retirement or nursing homes are places where the elderly are taken care of — kind of like a dorm for old people. They are usually staffed by caretakers who are licensed by the government and can be crewed by doctors or nurses on-call 24/7.

These places are excellent choices for the elderly who prefer to interact with other seniors or those who do not need intensive care. While nursing homes often come with medical staff, their function is more or less maintenance rather than medical, helping the elderly with their medication and ensuring their comfort if they live with or have developed debilitating conditions.

You should choose a retirement home if you wish a social aspect to be ever-present in your elder’s life. The community that builds around a retirement home is a great support system for people their age, and if you find yourself unable to take care of them due to distance or prior obligations, it’s a comfortable place to allow them to thrive in their remaining years.

Of course, the best thing to do is to ask the seniors themselves. Otherwise, you’ll need to conform to the wishes of their closest family member, a legislative rule, or a medical recommendation.

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